One Room Challenge Spring 2016: The Plan...Or What's Left of It

Earlier this week, I had an entirely different post ready to go.  And then Murphy decided to pay our ORC a little visit.  Isn't it a little early in the game for such antics? You might be thinking, well at least at this point you have time to scramble for a solution.  But some of the issues will not be solved until well after the finale, if they are solved at all.  And one of them is my fault.  Our big vacation of the year, the already paid for, non-refundable, dates-absolutely-cannot-be changed-vacation, occurs during the ORC.  So, instead of 5 weeks to complete our room (the ORC is 6 Thursday postings, but actually only 5 full weeks), we only have 4.  That was a fun conversation to have with my husband.  Oops. 

If you follow me on Instagram, you saw that my husband decided to tackle built-ins (which made the timeline convo afterwards even more awkward).  I'm so grateful that he loves to take on projects like this.  He's never done a project this big before, but that was true of the built-in office and the "mudcloset" in the last ORC, so I am confident he will knock it out of the park.  This time he even has an assistant; my 5 year old, who loves to help us with home projects, and wants to open a renovation company a la Fixer Upper.  So my husband sweetly included her in the demo stage, and she was so excited.  We kept the first piece of molding she removed, just in case she decided she wanted it as a souvenir for her future self.  Let's just pretend they (mostly her daddy) didn't put a big hole in the sheetrock.

On to the design...

White walls, gray trim, and traditional lighting accented with an incredible piece of abstract art like this beauty by MECArt on Etsy (except my version will be a lot more personal, and a little more budget friendly).  If you notice, there is something important missing: beautiful fabrics, my favorite part.  :(
My window hardware and drapes were part of the Murphy mess, and probably the largest part of my budget, so I don't want to be hasty in choosing a replacement.  We may have bare windows for a while, although my husband has offered his college solution of flags and towels, so at least we have a backup plan.     

Check back in next week to see what progress we've made, and make sure to visit the other participants to see how they're faring! It's an exciting (?) ride to be sure!

Also sharing with Thoughts of Home, so please stop by and visit those sharing there as well!


ORC Spring 2016: Week 3 - Progress & Paint


One Room Challenge Spring 2016 - The Dining Room